Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Happy IWD10

Happy iwd10

So 8th march flew past with not so much as a hiccough (or is it hiccup?) here. But it's still going where you are. So Happy International Women's Day. 

What should probably be more of a big deal than say mothers/fathers day, nurses/secretary/teachers day or even days of holiday in honor of a horse race, didn't rate a mention on my facebook wall, or blogroll bar Catherine

On of the kinder assistants was telling me in Russia it's a huge deal. The first public holiday of spring. Flowers are given to all women/girls. She had 8 bunches from her various males, her husband took the day off & vacuumed the house & took her out to dinner. How nice. 

I know we have it pretty good compared to some (?most) - access to education, healthcare, participation in workforce, participation in democratic processes.  But I couldn't help but, at the end of a particularly ordinary day ponder some of the inequities. 

"what are you doing with your day off?" ( having dropped Owen at kinder, involving getting 3 people fed cleaned clothed & a load of washing) 
Umm agh well the answer would be going home to look after my 7 mo old baby, hopefully fit in a vacuum & mop of floors, several loads of washing, get dinner prepared, sort through 9 boxes of clutter, feed  myself & Gus 4 times (roast beetroot, roast kumara, wholewheat bread, avocado & watermelon - def not beige!) 
On top of the looking after other needs of a small baby (gazing, playing, chasing) which, until I had another, was considered by most to be a full-time occupation. Some "day off". 
Or on the heady occasion of leaving the house without o & g "is Andy going to babysit?" Ah,  No its called parenting. 

Yet this stuff often falls to Womens work (though I know I have it better even on this superficial level- A can cook & does so maybe 2x/week, and "helps" with the tidying up/dishes (his words, not mine, usually preceding an argument). 

So anyway, enough venting. Just wanted to say to one of the awesome women in my life- have a happy day (or night) And congratulations on following your talents & dreams & not settling for mediocrity. 

Love me x

Sunday, March 6, 2011

It's all beige (alternative title: I should've known it could never work)

Well little sis, I don't think shocking neglect is what I would dub it ... though I was reticent to update again before you, initially, particularly as there is not much going on here, and well compared to you, my life looks rather beige (as has been kindly pointed out by some kind people). And then you go to Lego land and impress with your amazing photos, and potential fella at Rockefellar Centre (which you should totally stalk with your new red hair and fringe).

But seeing in your earlier post you updated on what meals you've been cooking, I guess the gloves are off.  I am cooking at least 2 meals each sitting, twice a day, plus breakfast, afternoon tea, elevensies, afternoon tea, and bridging snack/appetizers before dinner ... and yes, one of those meals is baby moosh.

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The kid LOVES it - insane.  So far his absolute favorites are pieces of cucumber, lamb cutlets, pureed pear, and whole plums.  He grabs the spoons, bowls and attempts to feed himself, and has a love too of flinging everything over the edge of his new ikea highchair. Obie frigging loves it.  He also tries to snatch food from others (including fistful of tinned spaghetti from Owen this week, and pizza from my plate. Proves it's not all organic home-cooked food around here! And he's not fussy. Huzzah!)

So what else?
  • There's been a fair bit of falling out of bed on Gus's part (oops - even with our industrial sized bed-rails.  Owen used to wail on waking where I think Gus wakes, mucks around quietly so no-one is the wiser, then thinks he should find us again). and accidentally whacking his head on doorjambs as I walk through the house with him permanently attached to the hip.  No serious damage yet (I hope).
  • We had a Thomas bonanza at Puffing Billy last week with mum, dad, brother, nephew Dircks (Gratuitous Cross-Post for pictures)
  • We've been entertaining insurance people and tradies cashing in on the repairing of flood damage (which was remarkably minor considering, though Andy is pissed off someone has told him officially that gutters do need cleaning - I guess once every 5 years is not so bad, right?).  Apparently we will need to manage without a laundry for a few days *minor breakdown and breathing into paperbag*
  • We had a kinder welcome picnic and were embroiled in a child-missing affair (I think I told you about that, right?)
  • An Ikea trek last week to get Gus's highchair, where O discovered meatballs with little Swedish flags in the top and fruit salad in a cup - he was in heaven.
  • There's been a zoo visit for our brother's birthday (stop me if I'm repeating myself)
  • There has been a remodeling of "The Wall" - they now have the old record shop all cafe-i-fied. Will have to pop down there again with camera in hand in the name of research!
  • Ah Damien and Lisa have announced baby due in September so much excitement among the clan. Owen wants to know if its a sister or brother & has been getting pregnant and birthing babies in bed/bath/everywhere actually.  He told me my big tummy is just boobs so there is no baby inside - nice. Do you think it's time for pilates?
  • Owen is keener than ever to come visit now he knows that the city is made of Lego (that's right isn't it?!)  We had a discussion about winter here (no, it will not snow) and summer there and he is kind-of up for it, though at the current time our bank balance is not.  So we are instigating Money March whereby Andy will finally be paid his salary by the month's end (only like ah 15 months later?) and I am working out our family budget in real life where we are not running at a loss before eating.  I'll let you know how we go.
  • And finally I may have gorged this week on a whole pillow-sized block of Cadbury chocolate and the newest TN6 from Jasper.  Did you know they have a Fforde Fiesta in Swindon?  Just saying .... So now a painstaking 8 months before Dragonslayer 2 released in UK and then a WHOLE YEAR before Shades of Grey sequel and then ANOTHER 365 days until Nursery Crime # 3 ... and no TN on the horizon, at all.  I need a new author of awesomeness.  I feel a bit cross with myself for not doling it out in rations, and a bit sick too.....
On that note, dear sis, apologies for being the crappest sister this past 2 weeks ... feel like I'm swimming through mud at the moment. Will do better. Promise.
x L